Master Grande Ecole – Finance for 21st Century Practitioners

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Grande Ecole Program – Finance for 21st Century Practitioners Major

The “Finance for 21st Century Practitioners” major is available in the 3rd and final year of the INSEEC Grande Ecole program.

Through this program, you will not only acquire the financial techniques and skills generally expected of students in a Master’s degree in finance, but you will also greatly increase your employability due to the emphasis placed on the most recent developments: development of venture capital, new approaches to valuation, responsible finance, new requirements in reporting and investor relations, etc.


  • Open major in classical only
  • In English only


  • Unopened major


  • Unopened major

Discover the courses – Finance for 21st Century Practitioners Major

Specialty courses

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Asset, wealth and portfolio management
  • International capital markets
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Legal aspects of the company
  • Advanced Bloomberg
  • VBA
  • StartUps: value creation and financing

Common core courses

  • Open Innovation Challenge
  • Research Methodology Seminar
  • Advanced Management
  • Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Night of Crisis Management
  • Preparation for the Grand Oral

The certification is obtained by capitalizing on all the blocks of skills.

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group meeting

What are the skills developed through this course?

  • Know the advantages and disadvantages of external growth
  • Master traditional and alternative asset classes.
  • Study of the main international financial markets
  • Knowledge of the legal risks taken by companies
  • Ability to automate certain tasks using advanced Excel and VBA functions.

Discover the careers after a Grande Ecole Program – Finance for 21st Century Practitioners

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Careers after a Grande Ecole Program – Finance for 21st Century Practitioners Major

  • Financial Analyst
  • Business Consultant
  • Financial auditor
  • Asset Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • and many other possibilities…

Come and meet the INSEEC Family!

Updated 23 February 2024