Let’s continue to invest in the present to build the future of our youth…
Since 2020, the 13% portion of your apprenticeship tax can be paid directly to our institutions. This is the only corporate tax where companies are free to choose the beneficiaries!

How is the apprenticeship tax calculated and distributed?
It is calculated on the basis of the amount of salaries subject to social security contributions and benefits in kind paid by the company over a calendar year (bonuses, gratuities, allowances, etc.). Its tax rate is 0.68% of payroll (reference 2020).
It is divided into two parts:
- 87% of the funds are used to finance work-study programs. Its management is entrusted to France Compétences, which allocates these funds to the payment of signed apprenticeship contracts and to the equalization of work-study programs. To be paid in instalments to the company’s branch OPCO.
- Part of the 13% destined to participate in the development of initial technological and professional training outside of apprenticeship. It is this part that can be paid directly to our school.
What happens to the funds collected?
The support of companies is more than necessary to build the future of our young people but also to build a successful collaboration and achieve shared success with our partner companies.
The funds collected each year support the evolution of our education by allowing us to:
- Recruitment of teacher-researchers;
- Pedagogical innovation;
- The digital transformation of our programs;
- Funding for student projects;
- The internationalization of our training;
- The development of entrepreneurial projects led by our students.
Who is responsible for this?
It is due by any company of a commercial, industrial or craft nature, subject to income tax or corporation tax and employing at least one employee .
The various existing apprenticeship tax exemptions can be consulted on the website www.service-public.fr.
How can our school benefit from this?
The next settlement of the 13% share must be made by June 1, 2022.
2 settlement options:
- Directly via the inseec.agires.com website
- By returning the completed declaration form by post or by email to taxe-apprentissage@omneseducation.com
Several payment methods are possible:
By check
payable to INSEEC to be sent to
Apprenticeship tax department
43, Quai de Grenelle 75015 Paris
By bank transfer
By indicating in the wording ” Company name + SIRET number + TA22 “.
INSEEC Ile-de-France IBAN : FR76 3000 4028 3700 0111 4762 494 BIC : BNPAFRPPXXX
INSEEC Nouvelle-Aquitaine IBAN : FR76 3000 4028 3700 0111 4791 594 BIC : BNPAFRPPXXX
INSEEC Rhône-Alpes IBAN : FR76 3000 4028 3700 0111 4781 894 BIC : BNPAFRPPXXX
By credit card
From the site ta.inseec.com
ATTENTION: In order for us to identify your payment and send you a receipt/proof of payment, it is essential that you return the completed declaration form or use the payment site ta.inseec.com
Your privileged contact to accompany you:
taxe-apprentissage@inseec.com | 01 42 09 70 63
Updated 17 May 2023