The INSEEC Bachelor’s course (Bac to Bac+3)

étudiante de l'école de commerce INSEEC Bachelor durant un cours de son programme Business Développement
Bac, Bac +1, Bac +2
Septembre / Octobre, Février / Mars
Initial training, Apprenticeship
Beaune, Bordeaux, Chambéry, Lyon, Paris, Marseille
French / English, French
Home » Programmes et Formations » The INSEEC Bachelor’s course (Bac to Bac+3)

In a world in perpetual motion where value creation has become a categorical imperative of business management, the INSEEC Bachelor program trains future professionals capable of reconciling creativity, efficiency and agility.

Marion FABRE

Head of INSEEC Bachelor

This program is accessible after the Baccalaureate and takes 3 years to complete. Parallel entry is possible in the2nd and3rd years for holders of a Bac +1 and Bac +2.

The aim is to train future operational managers who have acquired both the fundamental concepts of management (economics, law, human resources, corporate strategy, management, etc.) and a progressive specialization for the construction of their professional project.

2 years to acquire the fundamentals of business (BAC+1 and BAC+2)

Preparing for a Bachelor’s degree is a smart choice for students who want to build their career path gradually and benefit from training built in close contact with companies. Successfully entering the professional world requires a good mastery of the fundamentals of management sciences as well as skills related to the targeted sector of activity: this is how we have built the pedagogical model of the INSEEC Bachelor in 3 years. The first two years are therefore focused on general education, openness and curiosity, with the possibility of choosing a course of discovery of specific sectors of activity and their professions.

INSEEC Bachelor students working on a case study

1 year to develop more specialized professional skills

two students from the INSEEC Bachelor business school working on a course project

In the third year, in addition to the solid generalist background acquired in the first two years, students can choose from more than a dozen courses in different sectors: marketing and communication, sports, digital, luxury, wine, tourism, finance, real estate, management, environment, international business. This third year can be done as an initial training course with a 5 to 6 month internship or as a work-study program under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.

The professionalization of this program guarantees our graduates a rapid and successful professional integration.

Discover our articles related to work-study:

To help you in your choice of specialization, do not hesitate to consult the career opportunities page, with job descriptions and examples of CVs of former students.


Sign up for one of our Open Days!

Admission requirements for the Bachelor’s degree

Admission to a Bachelor’s program is possible during the three years and is generally done through a competitive examination.

  • Admission 1st year: the baccalaureate is mandatory
  • Admission 2nd year: one year must be validated in higher studies
  • Admission to the 3rd year: a BTS or DUT equivalent is required

If you wish to integrate one of the bachelors offered by INSEEC, please follow the 3 steps below:

  1. Go to the page “Admissions procedures – Bachelor” ;
  2. Submit your application online: choose the program you want to do, the campus you want to attend and fill in all your personal information. Attachments and payment will also be required.
  3. If your application is accepted, then you will have to take written and oral tests (depending on your year of admission). This is the last step!

Several re-entries are possible each year:

  • September/October
  • February/March (depending on the campus and course chosen)

The start dates vary depending on the campus and the course selected.

For more information, please contact us.

1st and 2nd year courses

Our teaching method combines the mastery of the fundamentals in the key areas of the business world, an immersion provided by professional lecturers, an experience in a company from the 1st year onwards and a real personalized support.

Our goal? To make you autonomous while being supervised, trained and guided, to inspire benevolence, to be attentive to the world and to care for everyone. The courses are structured around 4 themes, allowing students to benefit from training in close contact with companies.

1st year course

Corporate culture

  • Business conferences
  • Press review
  • Seminar
  • Corporate legal culture
  • Corporate strategy

Marketing and communications environment

  • Marketing fundamentals
  • Corporate communications
  • Market research

Business development

  • Commercial environment
  • Sales techniques
  • Speaking and pitching
  • Project 2 seminar

Finance and management

  • Management accounting 1
  • Project seminar 1
  • Management accounting 2
  • OL courses

IT and digital skills

  • Pack Office
  • Soft skills Praditus
  • Culture web marketing
  • Excel

Decision-support tools and management culture

  • Introduction to entrepreneurship
  • Voltaire Project
  • Fundamentals of management

International culture

  • Business English
  • Shifts B1

Professionalisation and personal development

  • Professional support
  • Sales internship
  • Immersion course (not compulsory)

2nd year course

Corporate culture

  • Business conference
  • Corporate legal culture 2
  • BeMyMedia
  • Project seminar 2
  • Shift(s)

Marketing and communications environment

  • Fundamentals of communication
  • Marketing Mix 1
  • Communication and media planning
  • Marketing mix 2

Business development

  • Business development
  • Project seminar 1
  • Communicating and convincing

Finance and management

  • Financial analysis 1
  • Excel
  • Financial analysis 2
  • Sustainable finance

IT and digital skills

  • Initiation Adobe
  • E-Marketing
  • Motion design

Decision-support tools and management culture

  • Economic news
  • Project management

International culture

  • Business English
  • Geopolitics

Professionalisation and personal development

  • Professional support (Soft Skills)
  • Seminar
  • Application internship

Introductory course

In addition to these fundamental courses common to all, students can, from the first year, choose a course of study and complementary modules which will enable them to better define their professional project with a view to confirming their choice of career path in the third year.

Example of a course based on the path chosen in B1 :

  • Sport: history of sport 1, the sports press, sports institutions, introduction to the economics of sport
  • Management, Finance & Real Estate: discovery of the real estate market and players, discovery of the financial market and players, operation of a real estate agency network
  • Business & Development: social media strategy, distribution and trade marketing, strategic business development, digital marketing and e-business
  • Marketing, communication & digital: discovery of the marketing and digital sector and professions, market and players in the event industry
  • Luxury, wines & spirits: discover the market and the players of luxury, discover the market and the players of wine, luxury experience

Example of a course based on the path chosen in B2 :

  • Sports: history of sports 2, sports brand marketing, introduction to sports commentary, introduction to e-sports
  • Management, Finance & Real Estate: cash management, management accounting and cost analysis, prospecting in real estate agencies, complex sales in real estate
  • Business & Development: retailing mix 3.0, strategic management and financial management, design & graphic charter, marketing presentation and commercial reporting
  • Marketing, communication & digital: lean startup, introduction to advertising, consumer behaviour, events, creativity and design thinking
  • Luxury, wines & spirits: discovering the wine & spirits business, distribution of luxury products, luxury events

Each semester is validated by the award of 30 ECTS credits. Progression through the Bachelor’s program is achieved by validating the semesters one after the other, i.e. 180 ECTS credits acquired at the end of the 3-year program. The evaluation of students’ knowledge acquisition is carried out through continuous testing followed by mid-term and final evaluations at the end of each semester.

INSEEC Bachelor programs are certified by FRANCE COMPETENCES. These certifications provide access to quality training through the acquisition of professional skills. All our programs deliver a level 6 professional title (EU) registered in the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles).

Your bachelor’s degree will give you a bac+3 (level II diploma) equivalent to a bachelor’s degree at university.

The list of our RNCP titles is available here.

In November 2020, our school also obtained the Qualiopi quality certification for 4 years after an audit conducted by AFNOR Certification. Qualiopi attests to the quality of the processes put in place by the INSEEC Bachelor and makes our training offer easier to understand for our students.

The Bachelor’s degree program’s divisions and programs

INSEEC’s Bachelor’s degree program offers many programs that allow students to build the career path that corresponds to them.

The programs are designed, developed and updated each year to promote the development of students’ skills and thus adapt to changes in the job market.

Business & DevelopmentBusiness Development
Business & Development International Business
DigitalDigital Marketing
Luxury & WineLuxury
Luxury & Wine Wines & Spirits
Management, Finance & Real EstateFinance
Management, Finance & Real Estate Real Estate & Finance
Management, Finance & Real Estate Real Estate Transactions & Property Dealers
Management, Finance & Real Estate Financial Products, Real Estate & Insurance
Management, Finance & Real Estate Management & Administration
Marketing & Communication Marketing, Communication & Development
Marketing & Communication Marketing, Communication, Events
Sport Sport Business
Sport Sport Business – Ski Studies
SportSport Business – Sport Etudes

An international dimension

Depending on the program and campus, students have the option of spending a semester on the London campus or at one of our partner universities. The courses will be given in the native language of the country, namely English.

On-site teaching combines respect for pedagogical constraints and a grounding in the socio-economic reality of each country. This international environment gives students an opening to the world and allows them to acquire a good command of the language of business.

It is therefore an interesting option for our students who wish to add an international dimension to their CV, and perhaps find a future job abroad!

What to do after the INSEEC Bachelor’s degree ?

If the profile of the Bachelor’s graduates corresponds perfectly to the expectations of recruiters, our students now have the assets to pursue ambitious and varied studies. Thus, a young person can enrich and personalize his or her career path according to his or her professional project and motivations.

Two options are available to them:

Find out more about :

How can I finance my Bachelor’s degree ?

The prices below are for cash payment. They include the cost of the application, documentation, course materials, Internet, Intranet and computer resources, as well as participation in the life of the association. Several payment methods are available (cash payment, instalment payment). The amounts indicated are applicable to new students who will begin their studies in 2022.

Year 1: 8 650 euros *

Year 2: 8 850 euros *

Year 3:

  • Initial training: from 9 350 euros *.
  • Work-linked training (professional training contract or apprenticeship): from €9 800 (paid by the OPCO and the employer)

* Prices are given as an indication, may be different depending on the campus and are subject to change.

You can also find the following articles related to our bachelors:

Updated 8 January 2024