The Bachelor Digital Marketing is a training course at Bac +3 level offered by INSEEC, intended for students who are interested in digital, digital and social networks in a professional perspective.
Title RNCP n°36293
The Bachelor in Digital Marketing, develop skills in the digital sector
In a context of increasing digitalization of our society, this program is constantly evolving, adapting to the requirements of companies and training students to make them operational and successful at the end of the degree.
The appearance and development of these new digital channels are forcing companies to restructure and rethink their marketing strategies. Managers are now looking for highly specialized and immediately operational profiles in all these areas related to digital.
This Bachelor’s degree is accessible to students from various educational backgrounds (universities, BTS, DUT or business schools) but also to professionals who have evolved in the fields of digital and marketing or who are changing careers.
The aim of the Digital Marketing Bachelor’s degree is to provide all the necessary skills for future digital professionals. The courses are taught by experts and speakers from the business world. They mainly take place in the form of workshops, masterclasses or business games in order to maximize interaction, exchange and therefore the “operational” side of our students.
The 3rd year program can be done in alternation, it gives the necessary bases in marketing strategy, commercial development, customer relations and data management.
All our final year courses are specialised and professional, allowing students to be immediately operational in companies at the end of their course.
You want to know more about Bachelor Digital Marketing ? Sign up for an Open House !
What are the professional skills and qualities developed with the Bachelor Digital Marketing ?
Skills developed
In response to the needs of companies identified on the market, the certification develops the following blocks of skills:
- Block 1 – Participate in defining the company’s marketing strategy
- Block 2 – Design and implement a marketing communication project
- Block 3 – Define and manage the budgetary elements of a marketing and communication project
- Block 4 – Leading a marketing communication team in project mode
- Block 5 – Professionalization – Design and implement digital marketing actions
You will therefore have to master or acquire these different aspects during your bachelor’s degree.
For your information, the evaluation of your skills can take different forms: case study, written file, professional situation, professional practice thesis, organization of an event.
These evaluations can be done individually or in groups.
The validation of the certification is obtained by the capitalization of four blocks of competences common to all the courses as well as an optional block of your choice.
What are the pedagogical methods of the INSEEC Bachelor program?
Teaching methods
- Lectures and interactive courses
- Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
- Conferences, seminars and educational visits
Evaluation methods
The three years of the program alternate between concept acquisition and practical application.
Each semester is validated by the award of 30 ECTS credits. Progression through the Bachelor’s program is achieved by validating the semesters one after the other, i.e. 180 ECTS credits acquired at the end of the 3-year program. The evaluation of the students’ knowledge acquisition is done through continuous controls followed by mid-term and final evaluations at the end of each semester.
- Individual or group case studies
- Individual and group oral presentations
- Individual and group files
Methods and tools
- The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.
What are the courses of the Bachelor Digital Marketing ?
The courses presented below are given as an example, they may vary slightly depending on the teaching campus. The course content is adapted each year to market developments and updated before the start of each new school year.
The core lessons
INSEEC Bachelor’s pedagogy combines the mastery of the fundamentals in the key areas of the business world with an immersion provided by professional speakers.
From the first year onwards, students will follow fundamental courses in management sciences:
- Corporate law / Business law
- Press review / Deciphering the economic news
- Business English
- Accounting and financial management
- Marketing fundamentals
- Fundamentals of communication
- Corporate strategy
- Project management
- Pack Office / Adobe / HTML
- Business games / challenges / “red thread” projects
- …
Non-exhaustive list – course content and titles may vary depending on the campus.
The specific lessons
In addition to the common core courses, the students of the Bachelor ” Marketing and Communication Project Manager in Digital “ will follow specific courses according to their choice of course:
- Influence marketing and social networks
- Brand content & storytelling
- Advertising strategies and new media
- Marketing and event communication
- Press relations, public relations and e-RP
- Design & graphic charter
- Influential communication and social networks
- Social media strategy
- Creation and management of a website
- SEO tools and techniques
- Digital marketing: actors and strategy
- Digital project management
- Growth hacking
- SEO/SEA, Influencer marketing and social networks
- Marketing intelligence & Data
- Inbound marketing
- UI & UX design
Non-exhaustive list – course content and titles may vary depending on the campus.
The 1st and 2nd year courses are available here.
The 3rd year will be much more focused on digital marketing from a strategic and operational point of view.
You will really specialize in this field and will be able to put into practice in your company all the theory acquired during your bachelor’s degree in order to become a real professional in digital marketing.
Through this training, you will gain real professional experience as well as numerous qualifications.
Complementary modules for orientation
The Bachelor’s degree “Marketing and Communication Project Manager in Digital” offers, depending on the campus and the ecosystem, four complementary orientation modules:
- Web Marketing
- Community Management & Social Networks
- IA Data
What are the career opportunities after the Bachelor Digital Marketing ?
Professional opportunities
At the end of the Bachelor’s degree ” Marketing and Digital Communication Project Manager“, the students who graduate will be able to work in the following professions (non-exhaustive list):
- Communication officer
- Community manager
- Social media specialist
- Public Relations Manager
- Digital Communication Manager
- Webmarketer
- Web Project Manager
- Traffic manager
- Digital Project Manager
1 or 2 entries per year and an alternating study rhythm
Each year, the start of the 3rd year Bachelors program is organized in September. Some campuses also offer a staggered start in February.
The course rhythm is 3 days/2 days for 6 months and then 6 months full time in a company.
This rhythm is the same whether the learner is in initial training (internship) or in continuing education (professionalization/apprenticeship).
What are the prerequisites to enter the Bachelor program?
- To enter the first year, you must hold a baccalaureate (all sections) or a Diplôme d’Accès aux Études Universitaires (DAEU), recognized as level 4;
- For integration into the second year: it is necessary to have validated 60 ECTS in a sector considered to be identical in terms of competencies to that of the course or to have validated 120 ECTS in a management science environment;
- For integration into the third year: it is necessary to have validated a 120 ECTS or a level 5 in a sector considered to be identical in terms of competencies to that of the course or to have validated 180 ECTS in a management science environment.
What is the title of the Bachelor Digital Marketing ?
This program delivers the certification ” Marketing Communication Project Manager” of level 6 (EU) registered in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications) under the code n°36293.
For more details, please consult the online repository here.
This certification is accessible by VAE.
The validation of the certification is obtained by the capitalization of four blocks of competences common to all the courses as well as a block of professionalization according to the course of the candidate .
What are the tuition fees for the Digital Marketing course?
Initial training:
- For a 3rd year Bachelor’s degree : 8 900 €.
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- For a 3rd year Bachelor’s degree : 9 700 €.
Tuition fees may vary from campus to campus. For more information, please contact the campus concerned.
The rates presented are valid for the year 2022-2023.
VAE : 4 200 € HT
VAP : 850 € HT
International students pack: Mandatory fee of 490 euros for exclusive support services international students.
What financial aid is available to integrate the INSEEC Bachelor in Digital?
INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:
- The alternating rhythm, in internship or work-study contract
- The right to training via the CPF
- Banking partnerships
The INSEEC Bachelor welcomes people with disabilities
INSEEC, one of the schools of the OMNES Education group, makes every effort to be inclusive and open to all people, regardless of their background or situation.
Our goal is that no student with a disability should be hindered in his or her desire to pursue an education and a professional career.
Support is therefore provided to facilitate access to the premises and to offer personalized advice and adapted facilities throughout their school career.
Accessibility: all our premises are adapted to the handicap standards.
The disability advisor, present on each campus, is the main contact person who will help set up a personalized support system for the student.
It acts as a link between students with disabilities and the various entities that make up the school. It accompanies them throughout their training.
Contacts: a disability advisor is present on each INSEEC campus. You can find their contact details on the contact page of each city.
Key figures for the digital marketing course
Graduation rate 2019 – 2020
Apprenticeship Contract Breakdown Rate 2019 – 2020
Satisfaction rate 2019 – 2020 (according to the LimeSurvey analysis report in October 2020)
Ratio of certified apprentices to the number of apprentices taking the exam 2019 – 2020
Discover also our other articles linked to this page:
- Bachelor Marketing
- What is a bachelor’s degree in marketing?
- Why do a bachelor marketing ?
- Bachelor in marketing communication
- Operational marketing
- Trade marketing
- Communication strategy.