Master of Science Real Estate Management

Etudiants face à l'appareil photo qui posent devant la grande place à
Bachelor degree or higher
September, February
Initial training, Apprenticeship
Bordeaux, Paris, Lyon, Chambéry, Rennes
Home » Programmes et Formations » Master of Science Real Estate Management

The real estate market has never been so good!

The MSc Real Estate Management course and the real estate market

“The real estate sector represents a significant weight in the French and global economy. The total expenditure on housing is estimated today at 15% of the Gross Domestic Product.

Over the last 5 years, thanks in particular to exceptionally low bank rates and an increase in demand, the property market has never been in such good shape, employing more than 230,000 people, with an estimated recruitment need of 3,000 executives per year excluding construction.

The MSc Real Estate Management is built to train executives who are able to fill these roles and adapt to these perpetual changes.”

Thierry Lauret, Program Director

Amphitheatre full of students at a graduation ceremony

A diploma in 1 or 2 years to become a real estate expert

Holders of a 3-year bachelor degree can apply for MSc 1st year, and holders of a 4-year bachelor degree can apply directly for MSc 2nd year.

This one or two year course aims to present the entire life cycle of real estate products: acquisition, sale, rental, but also construction, promotion, financing, operational management, optimization of the occupancy rate and renovation.

Would you like to know more about the MSc in Real Estate Management?
Sign up for an Open House!

The Courses

The courses presented below are given as an example, they may vary slightly depending on the teaching campus. The course content is adapted each year to market developments and updated before the start of each new school year.

1st year courses


Business Game

The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.

Professional Technical Workshops and Personal Management

  • CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
  • Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS).
  • Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.

Trade conferences

Presentation of the professions in the sector by professionals.


Budget management and management charts

The objective is to acquire key skills in terms of budget management and reporting. The focus will be on budget architecture, with the implementation of summary documents, project management control and its link with budget management, and the creation and steering of performance indicators.

Business plan and setting up a company

The objective of this module is to learn how to draw up a business plan: Designing a costed project for the creation or development of a company.

Several steps are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.

Corporate strategy

A precise methodology for analyzing customer needs, market structure and competitor dynamics to identify opportunities and threats in the environment is presented.


This seminar focuses on a negotiation in a national and international context.

In particular, it will be necessary to take into account the cultural dimension and define its impact in an international negotiation. The national negotiation will focus on the sales process through role playing.


To perfect English language comprehension and communication skills in a wider context than just business English. Students are required to take the TOEIC test.

Management Information Systems

This module aims to deepen students’ skills in IT to meet the needs of companies in terms of budgetary or commercial monitoring, project management, personnel management and communication: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, teamwork tools, business software.

It aims to be efficient with office automation tools, identify and correct errors quickly, customize existing tools or create your own tools.


Market finance

The objective of market finance is to maximize the value of the company.

The profitability/risk pairing: axiom of market finance

The main financial markets: the stock market, the bond market, the money market, the derivative markets (options, warrants, swaps). Market finance and real estate markets (SCPI, OPCI).

Financial analysis

Modern diagnostic tools. Necessary restatements of information.

Tools to help with financial diagnosis: the study of the probability, solvency and financial structure of the company.

The profitability study.

Investment policy.

The financial structure of the company and financial policies.

Taxation of assets and investments

The basics: the tax system and capital gains.

Taxation of fixed-income investments, taxation of dividends, the ifu, regular stock market transactions. SCI with ir and is. LMNP and LMP and profitability optimization. Taxation of shares, SCPIs, SICAVs and FCPs, warrants.

Taxation of accounts: life insurance, PEA, securities accounts.

Overview of the main property products

Real estate products and the various forms of collective investment: OPCI, corporate and residential SCPI, SEF, SPPICAV, FPI.

Management constraints, fees and impact on performance, redemption of units, secondary market of funds.

Tax exemption and real estate profitability: pinel law, duflot law overseas, malraux law, censi-bouvard law.

LMP & LMNP status and taxation of rental income. Comparisons between the different laws and investment choices.

Legal aspects of real estate

Town planning law, building and housing code.


Tenant’s right of first refusal.

Commercial leases and legal aspects.

Understanding the legal set-up of a real estate operation: from the acquisition of the land to the delivery.

Residential leases and legal aspects: the mandate and exclusivity rules, SRU law, offer to purchase and DIA.

Property management and sales force

Determine an effective sales force organization. Measure and monitor results.

Evaluate and motivate the sales force.

Specificities of the complex sale in the real estate field.

Real estate sales and negotiations

Master the techniques of approaching and preparing for negotiation with individuals as well as with major accounts.

Collect and analyze customer information to better understand them.

Build a network of key account relationships.

Identify stakeholders in the decision-making process.

2nd year courses


Preparing for and passing AMF certification

Master the technical knowledge required by the financial profession (financial instruments and risk, third-party management, operation and organisation of markets, issues and securities transactions).

Practice and pass the AMF certification exam with random selection of questions from a database of 2000 questions.

Professional technical workshops and personal management

CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.

Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management techniques and leadership.

Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.

Computerised management tools

Software (excel, word, VBA, professional software).

Business conferences

Presentation of the professions in the sector by professionals.

Asset management

Valuation of property and intangible assets

Definition of the market value of a property. Valuation methods (comparison method, capitalization method, cost method, cash flow method).

Appraisal of current assets. Methods for estimating specific properties: shops, shopping centres, offices, warehouses, clinics, farms.

Valuation of leasehold rights and key money.

Financial and wealth simulation

Apply the tools of financial mathematics in financial and investment decision making.

Simulate financial and patrimonial operations.

Make recommendations based on the results of the simulation.

Accounting and property management

Mastering the accounting of real estate trading and production operations.

Analyze the VAT issues related to these operations.

Master the accounting of the co-ownership.

Define the accounting schemes and summary documents that must be presented to the general meeting of co-owners.

Mastering the accounting of real estate companies.

To deepen the particularities of the accounting treatment under French standards and IFRS standards of companies holding buildings for rent.

To measure the accounting and financial consequences of the application of IFRS for real estate activities.

To know the different social forms specific to land investment.

Mastering the accounting of property managers.

RICS certification

The RICS is an institution that provides internationally recognised certification for property, planning and construction professionals.

The RICS exists to regulate, promote the profession and maintain excellence through mandatory education of its members.

With regard to clients, it is the guarantee of respect for a strict code of ethics comprising 12 essential rules.

Property and facility management

Management of real estate projects and programmes

Break down a project (WBS, PBS).

Define tasks and responsibilities.

Steering a real estate project and managing human and financial resources.

Establish a PERT and GANTT schedule.

Master the MS project software. Manage a project by deadlines.

Establish and monitor a budget and a financing plan.

Calculate the profitability of a real estate investment project.

Analysis of a file based on a business plan.

Select and apply the most appropriate cost estimation method.

Measure costs according to the progress of the project. Decide to carry out or subcontract.


Management tools for the real estate and services department

Overview of the real estate function: management of the company’s real estate assets and rights, management of the operating rental portfolio.

Technical management of the building and work spaces (management of surfaces, leases, new locations).

Disposals and acquisitions of assets.

Analysis of needs and organizational changes related to the evolution of the company.

Establishment of real estate master plans: reflection on the rationalization of real estate costs.

Management of the maintenance and upkeep of buildings, installations and non-production equipment, company support services, spaces, new corporate well-being services, research into sustainable development and energy saving solutions, relations with external service providers.

Management and residential property

Service & facility management. Management of general resources.

Occupied property management and real estate accounting.

Management of residential and logistic real estate.

Maintenance of buildings and residential real estate.

Management of residential leases.

Specificities of luxury residential real estate.

Technical management of property assets and maintenance. Residential real estate & sustainable development. Technical management of buildings.

Management and corporate and commercial real estate

The 4 main activities of the corporate/commercial property manager :

– Establishment of the necessary means to ensure the optimization of the premises and an efficient management on the accounting, administrative and financial level.

– Operational management of the real estate portfolio, management of claims and litigation.

– Management and leadership of a multidisciplinary team, organization and planning of activities.

– Client relations: monitoring tenants and owners, knowledge of the sector’s players (town halls, general councils, property development companies).

Management of commercial leases/office property management.

Corporate real estate and optimization of financial flows.

Management of shopping centres and commercial planning.

Expertise, commercial and transaction

Negotiation and complex sales techniques applied to real estate

Discover the different negotiation and sales techniques.

Practice these techniques in simulations and role plays.

Analyze the customer’s behaviors to decode their needs and discover their hidden expectations.

Measure the client’s risk profile.

Collect and analyze customer information to better understand them. Identify stakeholders in the decision-making process.

Property consultancy and expertise

Valuation of real estate and therefore estimation of its value (market value, rental value, use value, replacement value…) of a building used for offices, trade or housing.

The expertise can be carried out on behalf of users, investors or banks.

It is a central role present in all real estate professions.

Understanding and knowledge of user and investor behaviour.

Techniques for writing an expert report.

Accessibility audit and ERP. Appraisal of a life annuity, agricultural land, residential, business and commercial real estate.

Expertise software (lexpertim) and evaluation.

Real estate economics and engineering

Understand the real estate value chain and its challenges.

Estimate the value of a property using real estate valuation methods.

To know the tax system and the tax niches for real estate.

Using tax optimisation mechanisms (VAT, wealth tax, income tax) in asset packages.

Property and real estate law

Construction, marketing and property management law

Acquire the basics necessary to master the various aspects of setting up and managing a property portfolio. Insurance of the building and the co-ownership.

Identify the different actors and their roles and obligations.

Mastering the legal relationships between the various parties involved in order to conclude reliable contracts and prevent litigation.

Know how to implement guarantees during and after the operation. Activities and operations of intermediaries.

Know what insurance to take out.

Subcontracting in the construction industry: legal solutions to limit the risks.

Builders’ liability and construction insurance.

Real estate development and company law: study the mechanisms relating to the definition, legal set-up, implementation and marketing of real estate development operations.

Property management: rental statutes, purchase and sale of buildings.

Commercial leases law 

Master the technique of negotiating and drafting commercial leases.

Limit the risks associated with drafting sensitive clauses. Anticipating the risks of litigation on commercial leases. Identify statutory commercial leases.

Mastering the monitoring of commercial leases and securing their renewal or termination. The impact of the pinel law on commercial leases.

Property taxation

To have an overall approach to the taxation of real estate transactions applicable to both individuals and companies.

Understand the mechanisms that govern the taxation of real estate transactions and the resulting profits.

Knowing the recent developments in VAT, registration fees and planning taxes.

Assess the impact of recent case law decisions.

Tax regime for property dealers.

Taxation of real estate development operations. Using real estate non-trading companies: legal and tax optimization.

Taxation of real estate leasing. Mastering the specific tax rules for real estate leasing operations, in terms of tax, VAT and registration fees.

Understand both the lessor’s and lessee’s situation.

Know the tax optimization levers and their limits.

Understand the principles of property tax, particularly the determination of the rental value of buildings, in order to check the TFPB tax notices.

2 start dates per year and varying study rhythms

There are two openings per year,in February/March and September/October. To check the opening of each intake, contact the admissions department directly.

The rhythm of the courses differs according to the campus and can also vary if the training is carried out under an internship agreement (initial) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuous).

The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc 2), 24 months (MSc1 + MSc 2) or 18 months for the staggered start of March (continuation of studies in MSc2).

Students coming out of their day of classes and walking in front of the campus.

Career opportunities after an MScin Real Estate

  • Property Manager
  • Multi-site Technical Manager
  • Real Estate Expert
  • VEFA Sales Manager
  • VEFA Sales Manager
  • Real Estate Consultant
  • Head of Acquisitions
  • Financial Analyst Investment
  • Head of Asset Management

More information on the detailed job descriptions.

What business skills are developed?

The objectives in terms of skills are to be able to:

  • Define and manage real estate and asset strategies
  • To propose and optimize asset management
  • Manage real estate assets for your organization or a key account client
  • Implementing business development and managing a team.

This program delivers the RNCP certification of Level 7 Expert in Real Estate and Asset Management, code NSF 313.

The certification is obtained by capitalisation of all the blocks of skills, registered under number 34923 in the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) by decision of the Director General of France Compétences on 14 September 2020.

For more details, please consult the online repository: https: //

What are the teaching methods?

Teaching methods

  • Lectures and interactive courses
  • Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
  • Conferences, seminars and educational visits

Evaluation methods

  • Individual or group case studies
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Individual and group files

Methods and tools

  • The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.

What is the 2024/2025 tuition to enter the program?

Initial training:

  • Entry in MSc1 : 10 650 €.
  • Entry in MSc 2 after M1: 12 500 €.

Continuing education (sandwich course) :

  • Training 24 months : 21 650 € HT
  • Direct entry in MSc2 : 13 000 € HT


  • VAE : 4 200€ HT
  • VAP : 850 € HT

International Student Pack: Mandatory fee of 490€ for exclusive support services for international students.

What kind of financial aid is available?

INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:


RNCP for the MSc Real Estate Management course


National success rate – Class of 2023


Submission rate – Class 2023


Overall integration rate (63 respondents out of 170) – Class 2022


Satisfaction rate at 6 months – Class of 2022


The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalized advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.

Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.

To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.

Contacts for disability referents by campus:
Bordeaux : Maxime DOUENS –
Lyon : Mylène BESTOSO –
Paris : Farid HAMAD –
Chambéry : Clément BERTACCO –

Rennes : Laura LE CALVEZ –

Marseille : Marseille : Océane VALOTTI –


David Bartet, intervenant en Finance d'Entreprise à l'INSEEC
Updated 19 July 2024