Master of Science International Business Management

Bachelor degree or higher
September, February
Initial training, Apprenticeship
Bordeaux, Paris, Lyon, Chambéry, Marseille
Home » Programs and Training » Master of Science International Business Management

MSc International Business Management (100% English)

In an economic context increasingly oriented towards globalization, international exchanges are no longer limited to simple economic exchanges.

Beyond purely commercial issues, we are increasingly confronted with notions of culture, environment, geopolitics and strategy.

The objective of this program is to train future managers to be able to evolve and succeed in the complex and dynamic world of international trade.

2 students working in class

A diploma in 1 or 2 years to become an expert in team management and international projects

Holders of a 3-year Bachelor degree can apply for the first year of the MSc, and holders of a 4-year Bachelor degree can apply directly for the second year.

This comprehensive program is designed for students with a professional, business-oriented and international project. Taught entirely in English, the MSc International Business Management trains students for business development but also for other cross-functional positions enabling them to manage the activity and development of an international unit.

The transversal nature of the content will also enable students to have a multicultural approach to markets, allowing the implementation of marketing and sales strategies adapted to different continents.

The objective of this programme is to train future international managers and to provide them with high capabilities to face the challenges and risks to succeed in the dynamic and complex world of international business.

Would you like to know more about the MSc International Business Management programme?
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The courses listed below are examples only and may vary slightly depending on the campus. The content of the courses is adapted each year to market developments and is updated before the start of each new school year.

1st year courses


Business Game

The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.

Professional Technical Workshops and Personal Management

  • CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
  • Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS).
  • Skills assessment, coaching, digitalisation of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the oral presentation of the applied research thesis.

Trade conferences

Presentation of the professions in the sector by professionals.


Budget management and dashboards

The objective is to acquire key skills in terms of budget management and reporting. The focus will be on budget architecture, with the implementation of summary documents, project management control and its link with budget management, and the creation and steering of performance indicators.

Business plan and setting up a company

The objective of this module is to learn how to draw up a business plan: Designing a costed project for the creation or development of a company.

Several steps are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.

Corporate strategy

A precise methodology for analyzing customer needs, market structure and competitor dynamics to identify opportunities and threats in the environment is presented.


To perfect English language comprehension and communication skills in a wider context than just business English. Depending on the campus, students are required to take the TOEIC test.

Management Information Systems

This module aims to deepen students’ skills in IT to meet the needs of companies in terms of budgetary or commercial monitoring, project management, personnel management and communication: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, teamwork tools, business software.

It aims to be efficient with office automation tools, identify and correct errors quickly, customize existing tools or create your own tools.

Business Skills

What makes a successful business person?

Internal and external communication skill; managing your priorities and deadlines; organization and time management skills; how to be a great listener, writer and speaker; effective sales techniques; effective group dynamics and project management skills; understanding international business culture.

Business game

The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.


B2C Marketing

This course aims to illustrate the existing links between economics and marketing (Maslow/Schwartz/Rokeach/Murray). The following fundamental concepts in BtoC Marketing will be presented: Purchasing patterns; The role of key players; Segmentation; Analysing the supply; Studying the demand; Cultural behavior patterns; Company response and strategy.

International business law

This course aims to introduce legal issues which arise in negotiating, concluding and executing contracts in an international context. Such knowledge will help future global executives anticipate complex transactions abroad. Such transactions may involve contracting parties from several countries and the execution of contractual obligations in several nations.

International marketing

Based on a case-study approach, this course will review classic and web-based marketing strategies, focusing on the international challenges facing today’s global corporations. Students will study – among other approaches – some or all of the following strategic models: Blue Ocean Strategy; Megatrends and the Emergence of Metamarkets; Market Specialty as Differentiation; Customer-Led Business.

International trade

An introduction to the terminology, basics and initial concepts of international trade. This course provides the students with tools enabling them to think strategically in a global environment.

International purchasing and supply chain logistics

This course teaches the fundamentals of the procurement processes used by international corporations. Classes will combine theory and practical applications to illustrate the following key processes and actions: Purchasing Objectives, Procurement Process, Invitation to Tender, Vendor Selection and Management, Contract Negotiation, Supply Chain Management, Service Level Agreements, Quality Assurance, Legal and Contractual Obligations.

Global geopolitical and international relations

This seminar explores the role of international business and politics and their impact on global current events. From China to the Middle East, and from the United States to Europe, this course embraces such key factors as oil, terrorism, religion, demographics and ecology.

Incoterms and payment methods

By using various examples of leading international groups (LVMH, PPR…), this seminar introduces brand Incoterms is an abbreviation of ” International Commercial Terms ” published by the International Chamber of Commerce. Participants are introduced to this set of rules established for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade which parties to a contract can agree upon to avoid misunderstandings, disputes and litigation.

Focus on foreign market

Identify the consequences and lessons of the coronavirus crisis on globalization. Explore current issues concerning the macroeconomic, business and institutional environments and to analyse their implications for investment, firms’ operations and doing business.

Know how to identify international risks and opportunities in the international. To assess the institutional environment in which firms operate and the main institutional obstacles facing private businesses; Develop strategies and plans for a product / service launch, market entry for a company in a foreign country. Understand how to compete in international markets and the need for “global team” organizational structures designed to manage global companies and opportunities.

2nd year courses


Professional technical workshops and personal management

CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.

Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS)

Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.

LinkedIn workshops.

CSR certification

Computerised management tools

Software (Excel, Word, VBA, professional software).

Business conferences

Presentation of the professions in the sector by professionals.


International marketing

The objective of this course is to understand the principles which govern marketing activities in a global environment.

The course covers international market entry, product launches, marketing strategies and promotions.

Students are expected to make presentations, analyze cases.

They learn to design a basic international marketing business plan.

International business law

This course introduces students to the special legal problems which arise in negotiating, concluding and executing contracts in an international context. International transactions may involve contracting parties from several nations and/or the execution of contractual obligations in several different nations. Special emphasis is given to the question of choice-of-law. The question of the legal implications of e-commerce is also discussed.

International relations and geopolitics

This course deals with the interplay of Governmental and Corporate interests in our contemporary world. It addresses the different types of power used to obtain global objectives and the hierarchies of power and influence on the planet today.
It also implies the understanding of pressures and processes that drive a company to become an international business.

International negociation

Introduces students to the different negotiation techniques with an eye to the cultural context (Europe, USA, North Africa, Asia and Latin America). Participants learn how to use a win/win approach and appreciate the importance of gaining a sound knowledge of the profile of buyers. The course also stresses the importance of learning and analyzing the key points needed to succeed in negotiation.

International market research

Basic theory, tools and actual examples of techniques used in market research.
How research can be used to help make informed strategic as well as marketing decisions to help create opportunities/solve real business problems.
How to introduce products into different geographic areas.

Supply chain management

How purchasing functions in accompany, and the major strategies of purchasing.
Determine and prioritize the criteria of choice for a supplier.
Import and export in the best conditions.
Sourcing and e-sourcing.
Management of production. International logistics and development. Drive the supply chain.

Risk management

Globalization – today’s market realities compel medium and large size corporations to expand internationally in order to meet the growth demanded by investors.

The vision of this course is to provide the basic tools and insights into deciding whether to take a company international, and how to analyze and manage the associated risks. Students will also be required to make a series of presentations, as if to a board of directors, about their findings.

Cross cultural management

In today’s cosmopolitan workplace, corporations have noticed an inability of most managers to successfully work with cultural diversity. The need for cultural awareness is driven by both the increasing internationalization of business brought about by post World War II globalization and the increased desire for diversity in the workplace.

Growth and diversification

Investors and shareholders want growth in their investments. Future businesspeople need to know the tools, terminology, techniques, legal considerations, and risks in order to manage a company and meet investor and shareholder expectations. This course seeks to expose students to growth so they can successfully manage a company and meet investor / shareholder expectations.

Export strategies

Understand the basic concepts of international sales strategies (licensing, exports etc.)

Provide a global understanding of what business development is, outlining the various forms it can take Sharing personal experience of global account management across industries and countries, for students to grasp the scope of the function and how it is performed in the professional field.


International accounting

Introduces participants already familiar with the principles of French accounting to the rules prescribed by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles used in Anglo-American countries (the US, UK, etc.) and spheres of influence.


Incoterms and payment methods

Incoterms is an abbreviation of “International Commercial Terms” published by the International Chamber of Commerce. Participants are introduced to this set of rules established for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade which parties to a contract can agree upon to avoid misunderstandings, disputes and litigation.

International financial techniques

Understand the financial needs associated with basic operations in contemporary international commerce.
Acquire the indispensable techniques for international financial management.
Learn to choose and use the best tools with a solid approach.

Financial risk management

Financial risks associated with international commerce.
Organizations capable of intervention and the main techniques they propose.
The importance of short-term finance and cash flow management.


American market

This course deals with the economic, social and political context of business activities throughout North America. Special attention is paid to the factors that shape the business environment. How do they face the growing competition of the new emerging markets?

Indian market

The course will familiarize the students with the special social, cultural, political and historical features of India and help the students grasp the economic realities of India in the era of globalization and its role in world economy, including the presentation of the multifaceted features of India and its economic awakening.

Latin American market

The course highlights the differences between management and corporate structures in South America and the West. It also outlines the skills needed for successful management in the Latin American environment. Other topics including manufacturing and sourcing, tips for the successful export of products to South American.

Chinese Market

Identify the principal poles of commerce in China and acquire the reflexes needed to successfully address the Chinese consumer. How to approach and learn China’s socio-cultural and political influences within the context of economic globalization. Acquire a perspective of the nation’s evolution.

Japanese and Korean Market

Introduces participants to the difficulties foreign companies encounter and the requirements they need to meet in order to enter the Japanese market. The markets characteristics and business opportunities will be presented and discussed. Participants also gain familiarity with the history and macroeconomics of Japan, as well as the Japanese distribution system.

African Market

The influence of Mining and Petroleum Corporations. Global influences within Africa. Global investments within Africa. Practical advice on how to successfully manage in Africa.
The course highlights the differences between management and corporate structures in Africa and Western Europe. It also outlines the skills needed for successful management in African environment. Other topics include guidelines for manufacturing and sourcing, tips for the successful export of products to Africa.

2 start dates per year and varying study rhythms

There are two openings per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the opening of each intake, contact the admissions department directly.

The pace of the course may differ from campus to campus and depending on whether the course is carried out under an internship agreement (initial) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuing).

The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc2), 24 months (MSc1 + MSc 2) or 18 months for the staggered start of March (continuation of studies in MSc2).

Student from the Lyon campus who went abroad as part of his international business management program

Career opportunities after an MSc International Business Management (100% English)

  • Import-export Manager
  • Commercial Engineer
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Commercial Executive
  • Product Manager

What business skills are developed?

  • Define and implement the company’s strategic orientations
  • Steering the company’s accounting and financial management
  • Develop and monitor the implementation of the company’s marketing and sales strategy
  • Develop and supervise a policy for the conquest of new international markets with a view to diversifying the company’s activity
  • Negotiate purchases and structure all production units in order to optimize the company’s competitiveness and sustainability
  • Define the human resources strategy and manage its implementation and follow-up within the company
  • Design and support the organizational and managerial change processes of the structure

Certification professionnelle de « Manager du Développement International » de niveau 7 (EU), codes NSF 310p, 312p et 312m, délivrée par l’INSEEC MSc (CEE-SO, CEE-RA, CEFAS, MBA INSTITUTE), enregistrée sous le numéro 36492 au RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) sur décision du Directeur général de France Compétences du 1er juin 2022

La certification est délivrée par capitalisation de la totalité des blocs de compétences. Chaque compétence d’un bloc doit être confirmée pour obtenir le bloc de compétences. La validation partielle d’un bloc n’est pas possible. Elle est également accessible par la voie de la Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience.

Retrouvez les blocs de compétences associés à ce titre RNCP en cliquant ici.

What are the teaching methods?

Teaching methods

  • Lectures and interactive courses
  • Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
  • Conferences, seminars and educational visits

Evaluation methods

  • Individual or group case studies
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Individual and group files

Methods and tools

  • The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.

What is the 2024/2025 tuition to enter the program?

Initial training:

  • Entry into MSc1: €11 950
  • Direct entry into MSc2: €13 350
  • MSc1 + MSc2: 25 300€


  • 24-month training: €23 950
  • Direct entry into MSc2: €13 950

In the context of work-study training, tuition fees are payable by the OPCO and the company signing the contract.

Do you have any questions about work-study or our school in general? Consult our frequently asked questions.


  • VAE : €4200 HT
  • VAP : €850 HT

International student pack: Mandatory contribution of €490 in addition to the tuition fees indicated above for exclusive support services for international students not coming from the European Union.

What kind of financial aid is available?

INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:

key numbers of the programme MSc International Business Management


Taux de satisfaction global par rapport à la formation – Promo 2019


Taux de réussite – Promo 2019


Taux d’employabilité – Promo 2019


Taux de CDI à 6 mois – Promo 2019  


The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalized advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.

Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.

To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.

Contacts for disability referents by campus:
Bordeaux : Maxime DOUENS –
Lyon : Anissa GASMI –
Rennes : Laura LE CALVEZ –
Paris : Farid HAMAD–
Chambéry : Clément BERTACCO –


Updated 21 February 2024