Our INSEEC events

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students of the INSEEC business school outside facing the camera

What is an event at INSEEC?

It’s always a good time! 🥳

Doing your homework before choosing your course at INSEEC is essential! Numerous INSEEC events are available to you: Information day or evening, immersion days, webinars, dating, etc. They will allow you to learn more about our programs, our campuses and school life! In addition, our educational experts will help you develop your career goals and target the training that best suits you.
Choose your events to discover the backstage of our school!

Discover the different events concerning our INSEEC Bachelors

Open days and evenings for Bachelors

The INSEEC Bachelors open their doors for an evening or a day.
This is the perfect time to learn about the different bachelor’s degrees, the pace and culture of the school.

Come and discover :

  • The teaching teams
  • The premises
  • The students
  • Alumni

Our Open Houses take place on our campuses in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Chambéry and Beaune. In-class and distance learning.

Register as soon as possible!

Students coming out of their school day and walking in front of campus.

Our Bachelor events


    Immersion days

    To help high school students find their way, INSEEC organizes immersion days. During these days on campus, you can attend certain classes and ask questions to students and professors. You can also participate in specific workshops with our teams.

    Discover the different events of the MSc programs

    Information meetings for INSEEC MSc

    The INSEEC MSc programs welcome you once or twice a month throughout the year to present their programs.
    This is a great time to learn about the school:

    • discover its pedagogical teams,
    • visit the premises,
    • alternating rhythm,
    • coaching to find a company,
    • meet with students and alumni.

    Our Open Houses take place on our campuses in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Chambéry, Rennes and Marseille. In-class and distance learning.

    Some meetings can be organized around themes: sports, wine and luxury, finding a work-study contract, etc.

    Registering in advance for this event allows our teams to welcome you in the best conditions.

    Our MSc events

    For the MSc program (POST-BAC+ 3 en 1 ou 2 ans)

      Discover our different events concerning the BBA INSEEC program

      Open houses and information meetings for the BBA

      INSEEC BBA opens its doors to you for an evening or a day. Find out more about this 4-year International Bachelor’s degree with a strong international focus and find out more about :

      • Our teaching teams
      • Our premises
      • Our students
      • Our alumni
      • Our teaching teams
      • Community life
      • International exchanges

      Our Open Houses take place on our Lyon and Bordeaux campuses. In-class and distance learning.

      We also have 2 campuses abroad for BBAs. You can discover London and San Francisco.

      Our BBA events

      Pour le BBA (POST BAC en 4 ans)

        Immersion days

        In order to help high school and university students find their way, we organize immersion days.

        During these days on campus, you will be able to attend some classes, ask questions to students and professors.

        Come and participate in our specific workshops!

        Our INSEEC teams will accompany you!

        Discover our different events concerning the Grande École Program

        Open days and information meetings for INSEEC’s Grande Ecole Program

        The Grande Ecole program welcomes students who have graduated from a preparatory class and those with a BAC+2/+3 who wish to pursue academic excellence and an international exchange experience. INSEEC Grande Ecole opens its doors for an evening or a day to discover its program.

        Learn more at these meetings about :

        • Our teaching teams
        • Our premises
        • Our associations
        • Our double and triple degrees
        • the terms and conditions of the entrance exam
        • Our students
        • Our alumni

        Our Open Houses take place on our campuses in Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. In-class and distance learning.

        Our Grande Ecole events


          working group in a room

          Preparation workshop for the Grande École exam

          In order to prepare you for the entrance exams, INSEEC Grande École regularly organizes preparation webinars. During these webinars, our teams will help you prepare your application and your oral exams.

          Immersion days

          In order to help students find their way, INSEEC organizes immersion days.

          During these days of immersion on our different campuses, you will be able to :

          • Attend some courses
          • Ask questions of students and faculty.

          You can also participate in specific workshops with our teams.

          Discover our Webinars and Conferences for our 4 programs

          In order to guide you in your career choices, INSEEC regularly organizes thematic webinars. During these webinars, you can attend virtual conferences, courses or expert workshops. These sessions allow you to deepen your knowledge and network.

          working meeting

          Updated 26 March 2024