How can I benefit from the €6,000 grant when hiring an apprentice?

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A work-study program can be done through a professionalization contract or an apprenticeship contract. These two contracts offer a number of advantages to apprentices, but also to recruiting companies. Among these advantages, there is a financial aid, namely: the aid of 6 000 € for thehiring of an alternant. What is the 6,000 euro grant and how can a company benefit from it?

What is the 6,000 euro grant?

This is a scheme set up by the State as part of the “one young person, one solution” plan.

In fact, the 6,000 euro aid is an exceptional aid granted by the State to certain companies. Its main objectives are:

  • encourage companies to hire young people under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract;
  • reduce the costs for companies related to the hiring of apprentices; assistance for hiring on an open-ended contract after the work-study period is also possible.
  • make it easier for candidates to find a work-study program
  • promote the employability of young people, reduce their unemployment rate
  • contribute to the economic recovery of companies after the health crisis.

This financial assistance applies to all work-study contracts signed between July1, 2020 and December 30, 2022. It has already been extended twice, and other assistance may also be granted in addition by the State in specific situations. This is particularly the case when hiring apprentices with disabilities. Moreover, AGEFIPH is a government agency that facilitates access to employment for people with disabilities. It also offers many work-study programs dedicated to and reserved for people with RQTH.

The amount of assistance

Generally, the exceptional assistance is presented as a financial aid that amounts to 6,000 euros. This aid allows the company to pay the student’s salary and any remaining tuition fees (financed by the OPCO).

In practice, this amount varies according to the age of the apprentice. This one corresponds to :

  • 6,000 euros maximum if the apprentice is of age, this sum, divided by 12, is paid monthly to the company;
  • 5,000 euros maximum if the apprentice is a minor.

How is the aid paid out?

The aid is paid automatically each month during the first year of the apprenticeship contract. If the latter lasts more than 1 year, it is possible for the company to ask for the payment of the one-time aid. The request must be sent to the relevant Skills Operator in digital form or in physical form by post.

However, in order for the payment to be made, the company must first send the signed contract to its Skills Operator. It must also send its nominative social declaration mentioning the information relating to the hiring of the apprentice.

The payment of the aid is ensured by the Agency of Services and Payment. Each month, the latter sends the company a payment notice that can be consulted on the SYLAé platform. In order to receive this aid, the company must have a SYLAé account. The company must also register the apprenticeship contract and send the nominative social declaration.

What are the conditions of access to the 6,000 euro aid?

First of all, the objective of the apprenticeship contract must be to prepare for a professional qualification that is less than or equal to Bac +5.

Moreover, this exceptional aid is mainly intended for companies with less than 250 employees. For a larger company, the conditions are different.

If the company consists of more than 250 employees, in order to benefit from the exceptional assistance, it must:

  • meets the same conditions required for a company with less than 250 employees;
  • hiring employees on work-study contracts or alternating work-study programs , which must represent at least 3% or 5% of the total workforce;
  • fills out a commitment form.
Updated 2 August 2023