MSc 2 Art Business & Cultural Communication in Lyon

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Arts and cultural projects, once largely subsidized, now need managers and business developers to ensure their survival and to extend their projects independently. To meet this need, the MSc 2 Art Business & Cultural Communication will open in Lyon in September 2020.

Investing in the cultural market with a professional vision

The drop in support from French public authorities, once major players in the cultural sector, has pushed cultural enterprises to find other types of resources: sponsorship, patronage, crowdfunding, etc.  But it has also encouraged them to adopt financing and management techniques usually used by non-cultural enterprises. These commercial, marketing and management skills have become essential and the cultural world is no longer immune to business processes. On condition that the artistic requirements are respected and not touched!

Cultured” profiles (capable of taking into account and integrating an artistic project), but anchored in the world of business and efficiency, are highly sought after by the cultural world.

Focus on key competencies

With a core curriculum based onevent management, this program emphasizes the artistic and cultural aspect through skills specifically related to theorganization of cultural and artistic events. Thus, our students will be trained in the management of cultural facilities, the accompaniment of artists’ careers, the organization of festivals or exhibitions, the programming of artistic events, and the communication or mediation of the living or heritage arts.

Integrate training specifically adapted to the needs of the cultural market

Talking about “Art Business” is no longer taboo today, and no longer makes the actors of Art and Culture grind their teeth. Profitability and profits are no longer dirty words but preconditions for the dissemination of artistic forms. On the condition that this artistic project is respected. This subtlety is the heart of the pedagogy of this specialization: to train business developers capable of integrating artistic projects in a sensitive manner.

This program aims to train professionals in the art and culture market, the cultural managers of tomorrow: directors of facilities, creators of artistic events, artists’ agents, cultural mediators, communication, distribution and public relations managers.

To be anchored at the local level

The major advantage of this Master’s degree is its direct integration into the heart of Lyon’s major cultural players. Close partnerships are being established with events such as NUITS SONORES, the FÊTES DES LUMIÈRES, or JAZZ À VIENNE.[divider line_type=”No Line”][vc_column_text][button color=”extra-color-3″ hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”medium” url=”

Updated 1 August 2023