How do I change my Master’s degree during the year?

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It is possible to change your master’s degree during the year. However, you need to know where to turn so you don’t waste time. The following tips will help make the reorientation process easier. They will also tell you about the programs available to you once you have made your decision, and in particular about the staggered start of the school year in February or March offered by certain schools.

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Why change your master’s degree during the year?

At first glance, changing masters during the year may be perceived as a failure. However, many students have been able to advance to important positions because of this decision. Moreover, the rate of regret after a change of master is lower. You need to ask yourself the right questions.

There are many reasons for students to change majors during a master’s degree. It starts with personal reasons, but most of the time, it is a trigger that prompts them to find another path. As they gradually approach the professional world, master’s students often discover that the opportunities offered by their current training do not suit their personality or their expectations.

During the first year of a Master’s degree, a student who decides to change his or her field of study increases his or her chances of success. This change allows him to access other specialties than his initial choice. If he started with law, for example, he will have the basic skills of a lawyer. By changing and entering the world of political science, his skills in law are maintained and political science only reinforces his achievements.

The change may also open the student’s doors to a career that they enjoy more or to more professional opportunities. This way, he will pursue the path he really wants.

How do I change my master’s degree at the university?

In order to make a successful change from one university to another, it is best to consult the reorientation service of your university first. It will be able to determine whether it is still appropriate to make an annual reorientation or to choose a semester reorientation. It all depends on your new choice of major and your situation as an academic.

For a yearly reorientation, you must react when you register for the 2nd year in a master.

There is also the semester reorientation. To do so, the student would first have to be registered for the current year and wish to reorient themselves during the year. At the university it is rarely possible to start a first semester and do a second semester in another specialty.

In this kind of situation, students opt for a small job until the next school year. It would be best to choose a job that is close to your new field. This way, you will gain experience.

How can I change my Master’s degree and enter the school year in February?

There are many ways to change your master’s degree. You can wait until the second semester and start over, or you can go directly to a business school at the end of the first semester. This second option allows you to optimize your time.

In fact, the year, with the principle of staggered start, only begins in January, February or March. INSEEC offers this possibility if you are aiming for a Master’s degree. You have access to 10 specializations including finance, business, marketing etc.

INSEEC’s training model is interesting because it is possible to follow sandwich courses. Students are already immersed in the professional world long before they graduate. Also, the pace of training is adapted to all sectors of activity.

Within the framework of the Master of Science and MBA 1st year

The staggered start is accessible at this level. The school year starts at the end of January and ends in July of the same year. You will save time since your semester is shortened and intensive. You will be asked to work directly in a company for 2 months before continuing on to the M2.

INSEEC also has a network of Alumni of more than 20,000 graduates to be a major graduate network in France. Our more than 20,000 alumni now hold key positions in over 140 countries around the world. We regularly organize meetings with alumni to share their experience and help students.

In addition, you are accompanied throughout your schooling in order to obtain a contract. This accompaniment includes working on your CV and cover letter, sending offers from partners, personalized coaching, and follow-up of the process. When you are in the company, you are supervised by a tutor from the company and a tutor from the school.

As part of an MSC and MBA 2nd year

INSEEC also offers a staggered start to the academic year for this post-BAC+4 level of study. From March to September, students attend classes one week a month, then three weeks in the company. In September, they resume their work-study program following the same schedule as the students at the beginning of the school year: three weeks/one week or three days/2 days, depending on the course. Their training lasts 18 months and allows them to build their CV.

Updated 25 January 2024