Can my business school help me find a company to work with?

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A work-study program is a combination of theoretical training in a training center and a practical phase in a company. One of INSEEC ‘s commitments for over 40 years has been to link academic teaching to the reality of the professional world. With the implementation of an engaging and interactive pedagogy, our students will have a strong employability at the end of their training. The process of finding a company for a work-study program is the same as for a traditional job search. To help students looking for a company to complete their training, one of the particularities of INSEEC is that it has a dedicated corporate relations department that accompanies them in their search.

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INSEEC’s commitment to finding a company for work-study

A work-study company will have the advantage of training the student academically while integrating him or her into professional life. With INSEEC, students on work-study programs are closely monitored by the corporate relations department throughout their training. Our teams will assist you in your search for the right contract. This service provides students with a method ofcollective and/or individual support. The implementation of an elaborate coaching strategy has as its main goal to accompany them in the search for their future company. This assistance is reserved for our admitted and enrolled prospective students. It takes different forms:

  • by a CV workshop: to help you create the most relevant CV;
  • by sending out offers of internships and work-study contracts: INSEEC is in constant negotiation with companies. All offers are listed on a digital platform internally, but also via a dedicated and private Facebook social network;
  • coaching for the personal development of each student;
  • Setting up of professional workshops and conferences with the intervention of professionals of the sector on the evolutions and the opportunities of the market; the future students of INSEEC in search of a company will be able to follow conferences of accompaniment on line in order to perfect their projects.
  • organization of company events (afterwork, forum, job dating…).
  • LinkedIn workshop and personal branding, how to promote yourself and search well.

workshop on understanding the alternation (procedure, knowing how to sell it to a company, etc.). Many future alternating students do not know the difference between a professionalization contract and an apprenticeship contract to begin with.

The differences between the apprenticeship contract and the professionalization contract

From the company’s point of view, hiring a work-study student allows the latter to be trained in the company’s various work methods. The purpose of the action is to teach him a trade. For interested candidates, the work-study contracts are not only irreplaceable and enriching sources of experience, but they are also appreciated on a CV. The term “alternation” refers to the training method that allows the student to obtain a diploma or a professional qualification. The principle of the training is based on an alternating phase between periods of work in a company and periods of general, technological or professional education. There are two types of work-study contracts:

The apprenticeship contract

The beneficiaries of the apprenticeship contract are young people under the age of 30. The administrative steps for this type of contract are :

  • complete the apprenticeship contract form;
  • communicate the apprenticeship contract to the skills operator (OPCO) within 5 days following the execution of the contract with the training agreement;
  • Upon receiving the contract, the OPCO will check whether the person is eligible for this training. The skills operator takes into account the age of the apprentice, the quality of the apprenticeship supervisor and the conditions of payment. Once these conditions have been met, it decides on the financial support within 20 days of receipt of the form. If there is no news from him, this is equivalent to a refusal of care;
  • The OPCO submits the contract digitally to the Direccte and notifies it, if necessary, of its decision and the reason for its refusal. The Direccte is the new Regional Directorate within the Prefect of the region. It ensures the implementation of economic development, employment, labor and consumer protection policies.

The professionalization contract

This type of contract applies to young people under the age of 26, but also to job seekers aged 26 and over. The contract must be made in writing according to a predefined model (model cerfa with the form EJ20). When signing a professionalization contract, the cerfa 12434*03 (or cerfa EJ20) is a form to be completed in triplicate. One copy goes to the employer, the second to the apprentice and the third to the OPCA (organisme paritaire collecteur agréé). It is up to the employer to send the complete file to the OPCA within 5 days of the start of the contract.

To learn more, please visit our FAQ page.

Updated 2 August 2023