Professional certification
Professional certification of ” Business Development Manager” , NSF code 312, delivered by INSEEC (INSEEC EXECUTIVE EDUCATION, CEERA, CEESO, MBA INSTITUTE and CEFAS), registered under the number 34994 in the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) by decision of France Compétences of October 14, 2020.
Find the blocks of competences associated with this RNCP title by clicking here .
The objectives
The Business Development Manager holds a strategic position in the company. In addition to this primary function, there are several other factors that justify the existence of a business development manager title:
– Increasing recruitment;
– The impact of digital tools;
– Adapting to new customer and business requirements;
– Specific skills in terms of commercial management.
Michael Page lists sales jobs as one of the three “most sought-after and most difficult to recruit” profiles. The number of hires, according to the recruiting firm, grew by 22% between 2016 and 2018 and reaches an all-time high in 2019.Â
Regions Job reports that 44% of employers are struggling to find the right candidate for the sales function.
All these indicators lead, among others, to propose a quality training for the profession of Business Development Manager.
Competence blocks
At the end of the course, students will have acquired the following four blocks of competencies:
- Definition of the commercial strategy and proposal of a relevant offer
- Development and implementation of commercial engineering and customer relationship management
- Management of sales teams
- Steering the performance of commercial activities and managing budgets
In addition to these blocks of competencies, there is an optional sector specialization to choose from:
- Business Engineering
- Trade Marketing
Find all the targeted skills on the directory sheet: https: //www.francecompetences.fr/recherche/rncp/34994
The validation of the certification is obtained by the capitalization of four blocks of competences common to all the courses as well as a block of specialization or professionalization according to the course of the candidate.
The targeted professions
The profession targeted by the certification is that of business development manager.
Various names cover the perimeter of this trade:
- Business Development Manager / Sales Manager / Sales Manager / Sales Director
- Sales engineer / Business engineer / Business manager / Technical sales manager / Business manager
- Sales Manager / Area Manager
The candidate must justify:
- For entry into the 4th year (MSc1): Hold a level 6 or equivalent (i.e. 180 ECTS validated) preferably in the field of commerce, business or commercial management.
- For entry into the 5th year (MSc2): Hold a level 6 and have validated the equivalent of 240 ECTS preferably in the field of commerce, business or commercial management.
The school remains open to other types of training as long as the candidate’s professional project is consistent with his or her aspirations, with proof of motivation (internship in the field of commerce, business or commercial management as part of a gap year, for example).
This certification is accessible through
Validation of Acquired Experience
Discover all the trainings related to this RNCP title
“In response to business needs
The profession of Business Development Manager continues to evolve and the needs of companies continue to grow. These changes are only just beginning, but according to the various barometers and observatories in France and abroad, several major trends can be identified regarding the future skills of the business development professions:
- Increasing recruitment
- The impact of digital tools
- Adaptation to new customer and business requirements
Sector Specializations
In addition to the four common blocks of competencies above, there are two sectoral specializations for the Business Development Manager title:
- Business development manager in charge of business engineering
- Business development manager in charge of trade marketing