Clémence Hego, in the Bachelor’s degree program in Luxury and Tourism

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Clémence Hego, a3rd year Bachelor student, has decided to specialize in Luxury and Tourism with a six month internship at Madame Vacances. She tells us about her journey.

What is your educational background?

After obtaining my baccalaureate in Economics and Social Sciences in 2014, I joined Inseec Campus Chambéry. I first followed a traditional path for 2 years and since this year, I have specialized in “Luxury & Tourism”, in order to have courses in English and to approach subjects related to a sector I appreciate.

What does INSEEC-Chambéry offer you?

I chose Inseec because the school offered versatile courses ranging from financial management to communication and marketing. In addition, the teachers who teach at the school are professionals. They share with us their experiences and concrete cases related to the working world. It is very rewarding! Inseec also offers numerous internships during the three years of the Bachelor’s program in order to gain exposure to the professional world and apply the skills acquired.

And how do you see the future?

In order to validate my Bachelor’s degree, I must complete five months of internship. I chose to do a six-month internship in the headquarters of Madame Vacances, a travel organization. I will be in the “Groups and Seminars” area. My mission will be to propose the appropriate accommodation and activities to companies wishing to hold seminars. This internship is in line with my specialization this year, but also with my previous professional experiences such as my2nd year internship in rental management of student residences for the Studélites group. I can’t wait to get into this experience!

Would you like to continue your studies? If so, where and in what?

Yes, I would like to continue my studies in a Master’s degree in management at Inseec, because the school offers work-study Masters, which is fundamental for me, in order to put into practice the tools I have acquired in class, and to continue building my professional network.

Updated 24 February 2022