What is a work-study program?

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To this day, training remains the best way to acquire skills and/or degrees. However, in order to be able to follow a training course, one must have the necessary resources, particularly financial, and above all a certain amount of availability. To enable a large number of candidates to train, several training systems have been set up. Among these systems is the work-study program, which is offered by many schools, including INSEEC. What is this system and what benefits does it offer?

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What is work-study training?

Whether it is a sandwich course at INSEEC or elsewhere, the principle of this training system remains the same.

It combines theoreticaland practical teaching in a professional environment. In other words, in this system, candidates alternate between classes at the institution and activities in the company. It is from this principle that the system takes its name.

However, it is important to know that the rhythm of the work-study program varies according to the type of training. In its implementation, thealternation can take several forms. However, in general, it is done either under an apprenticeship contract or a professionalization contract.

What is the status of work-study candidates?

Applicants who are only taking courses within a school are considered students. But what about those who attend classes and also work in the framework of an apprenticeship or professionalization contract?

Since these candidates join a company and work within it, they are considered employees.

Candidates doing an internship in a company keep their student status.

By becoming employees, candidates can obtain the rights that come with this status. These rights include, among others, a remuneration.

Student trainees receive a financial compensation called minimum gratification.

However, these statutes also impose a number of obligations on them.

Apprenticeship and work-study: are they the same thing?

Work-study is a training system like distance learning or evening classes. This can be done under two types of contracts:apprenticeship and professionalization.

These contracts have many similarities, but also have their own specificities. As far as differences are concerned, you should know that:

  • The apprenticeship contract is reserved for candidates under 30 years of age and gives access to the status of apprentice;
  • the professionalization contract is accessible to candidates over 26 years old (if registered with Pôle Emploi). It gives access to the status of employee.

In terms of commonalities, both types of contracts allow candidates to:

  • to obtain compensation;
  • to benefit from the coverage of training costs.

Is it possible to terminate a work-study contract?

As a reminder, the work-study program includes a work phase within a company. Moreover, this training system is based on a type of contract. These two conditions imply that candidates are subject to the rules and conditions imposed by an employment contract.

As far as the termination of the contract is concerned, the operation can be done under certain conditions.

If the decision comes from the employer, the reason must be valid and justified. Typically, the decision follows:

  • serious misconduct on the part of the apprentice or employee;
  • one or more repeated breaches of the obligations of the statute;
  • the inaptitude which must be confirmed by the occupational physician.

In the specific case of an apprenticeship contract, theemployer can break the contract within the first 45 days. The decision can be taken unilaterally, without notice or justification. The decision to terminate the contract can also be made by both parties after reaching an agreement. On the other hand, the law does not allow the apprentice to make the decision to terminate the contract unilaterally.

Work-study training at INSEEC

INSEEC is a business school that offers 10 specializations , namely

These specializations can be taken in four different programs:

These programs can be done in a classical way with theoretical and practical teaching, but also in alternation for some. This is the case for the3rd year Bachelor, the1st and2nd year MSc and the Grande Ecole program.

Why follow a sandwich course at INSEEC?

Work-study programs at INSEEC is open to European and foreign students . It allows them to access a professional path, but also to obtain a certification offered by theschool.

In addition, theschool offers its students collective and/or individual support. The latter allows them to, among other things

  • find a company;
  • improve their CV and cover letter writing skills.
Updated 17 October 2023