Julian Dierstein, in MSc 1 Corporate Finance and on a work-study program at Compagnie des Alpes

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Numbers have become his daily life. And these are well anchored in his professional project. Julian Dierstein follows an MSc 1 Corporate Finance at the Campus in Chambéry. In alternation at Compagnie des Alpes, well integrated in the accounts consolidation department. The student tells us about his background.

Julian knows INSEEC U. Campus Chambéry well.

” After completing an economic and social baccalaureate at the Saint-Marc high school in Nivolas Vermelle, I decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree with a specialization in finance in the third year at INSEEC Chambéry “, says the student.

” I appreciate all the general knowledge acquired in finance, especially thanks to the work-study program. I have the opportunity to apply and develop all these lessons directly in the company. The objective is to accumulate as much experience and skills as possible during the two years of the Master’s program. This in order to put all the chances on my side for a good professional integration at the end of my studies. ”

After his BAC+3, the next logical step was to continue his studies in MSc 1 Corporate Finance. With the alternation as a support.

Consolidator within the Compagnie des Alpes

” I am currently a consolidator in the accounts consolidation sector at Compagnie des Alpes. It is a publicly traded company, operating leisure destinations and ski areas .

For which daily missions ?

” My main mission, together with the other members of the consolidation team, is to present ” consolidated ” accounts to the stock market and to our management. In simple terms, these accounts have been restated for intra-group transactions and comply with IFRS and IAS standards. In addition, I also do financial analysis and participate in group projects. One of our future projects, for example, will be the presentation of our accounts in XBRL format (European standard). My mission will be to participate in the choice of a tool to meet this standard and to implement it. ”

 He saw himself climbing the ranks within the Compagnie des Alpes

 Next year, Julian wishes to continue with the MSc 2 Financial Engineering.

“This master’s degree brings together areas that I am passionate about, namely consolidation (through the study of IFRS standards) and financial analysis. Of course, I will always do this master’s degree in alternation with the Compagnie des Alpes. 

And after ?

” After that, I’m thinking of continuing with the company where I am now. Either as a consolidator or, being ambitious, as a consolidation manager. If I wish to continue with this company, it is not because it is easy, but rather because I know that it will still have a lot to offer me at the end of my studies. In addition to being a great place to live, it is very dynamic and grows every year. Moreover, I am lucky to have managers who give me absolute confidence, allowing me to grow within the company. ”

And the count will be good!


Updated 17 October 2023