Marine Moinier, assistant product manager on a work-study program at NTN-SN

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At nearly 23 years old, Marine Moinier has already built her career around several technical functions.

She is currently studying MSc 1 Marketing at Campus Chambéry, . She also has a work-study position at .

Since September it has been part of the international company NTN-SNR, a bearing manufacturer, whose headquarters are located at in Annecy.

A native of Haute-Savoie living in Annecy, Marine has a very technical background.

” After obtaining my STI2D technological baccalaureate, I did a BTS in industrial product design as a sandwich course. Then I continued with a professional degree in innovation and industrial development at the IUT in Chambéry.

After that, she chose to integrate a Marketing Master in order to have a more transversal vision of the industry.

During her internship in the marketing department, she combined her two skills : the technical part related to the company’s products, as well as the marketing and sales part.
She is now in charge of extending the range coverage of one of the product offerings.

” Thanks to Inseec, I clearly have a commercial vision. We study new methods and new trends so that we do not miss anything in the development of our products or services.
Previously, I was very focused on the technical side of the product. From now on, I really take into account what happens after the creation.
We are given a lot of concrete and quantified elements so that we can realize our sales “

How do you see your future ?

“I could consider a position as a product manager or even a marketing manager in a large international company. I don’t necessarily plan to spend my entire career in the industry. I could combine my job with my passion for cooking by working in the food industry, for example.


Updated 24 February 2022